Primary inspirations for Larish Alte were series of prints and books designed by Rudolf von Larisch published at the turn of twentieth century. Freshly redrawn and extended Larish Alte is now available in single weight with two stylistic sets and other features.

There are two basic stylistic sets defining two different looks of Larish Alte: the single and double storey lowercase a, combined with alternates of lowercase y and uppercase A. Character set includes lining and old style figures, several ligatures as well as interfinity mark. Both stylistic sets can be used in applications supporting Open Type features. Explore more in PDF Text Sample here.

Preliminary version of Larish Alte was originally developed for the visual identity of the contemporary art space Secession in Vienna in 2006. (See also Larish Neue.)

Aktuelle Austellung

Larish Alte is displayed on headlines from Der Standard.

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